I am a missionary in Mexico, and I pastor a small local church here in Mexico City. I also work writing Christian literature and collecting Christian Literature of others.
To be brutally honest, I have tried to make this website, coxventas.com, work by selling things on the website (it was in Spanish). After some 8 years I guess, I have sold 1 thing in that whole time, I think it was for $10. This website alone costs $10/year for the domain name (coxventas.com) plus hosting space of about $8 to $10 per month.
So I am not giving up the website, but I am changing it to house books.
The books on this website are either html web pages, pdfs, theWord modules, esword modules, or mysword modules. Additionally, I have epub, and other modules in format for Kindles. I am going to dump my hard disk onto this website, and you can download and examine whatever you want. I am going to try to keep anything I have that is under copyright off of this website, but you are responsible for what you do with whatever you get off of this website. Everything I personally write is free to reproduce or upload to Internet, as long as you do not change the content nor sell or charge for these files. What is public domain, remains public domain, and you are free to do anything under the law with those files.
I would make a note. I am trying to group these files alphabetically. This is only possible if I know the author’s name. In case I don’t know who the author is, or was, I will use the word “unknown” or “anonymous” as the author’s name. In a very few cases, the author is living and gives their permission for unchanged use of their files/books.
If you have the copyrights to something I offer, and you do not want me to put up your work on this website, please write me and tell me so. I will withdraw it. If you do not have the copyright for the work, you do not have a say in the matter, so please do not occupy my time with baseless demands.
David Cox
Also see my other websites
PDF Format
https://davidcoxmex.net/ Spanish PDFs
theWord Bible Software Format
https://twmodulos.com/ Spanish theWord Modules
MySword Bible Software for Android Phones Format
https://myswordbiblioteca.com/ Spanish MySword Modules
Esword Bible Software Format